Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Communal Living

Hippies enjoy living with other hippies. The original hippies of the 60’s often chose to live on communes where they shared food and living quarters with other like-mined souls, while today’s hippies tend to live in small apartments with five or six to a room, sleeping on couches and chairs and floors as space allows. These modern hippies, like their predecessors, don’t require much privacy in their domestic lives, as just about everything they do is done together as a group…from forming drum circles to panhandling, selling burritos at the park to manufacturing an array of tye-dye scarves to sell in the streets, they operate as a cohesive whole, pooling individual talents to achieve a common goal. Thus, back in the apartment, there’s nothing to hide and therefore, no reason for privacy. That is, except when they’re pooping. Even hippies shy away from pooping in front of others…

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