Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hippies generally disdain work, but if they do work, it’s inevitably under the table. You see, hippies can’t be bothered to pay taxes, or Social Security or Medicare…that’s for losers and conformist members of “the establishment.” Instead, they seek positions that will allow them to bring in some dough without the big, bad government hearing about it. Like part-time flower pickers, or manning the kiosk at the local farmer’s market. One of the best is a waiter/waitress gig at a small café or hippie food shop. Such places have such high turnover – due to the hiring of unreliable hippies – that the owners usually don’t bother filling out paperwork for their employees, which is the perfect setup for hippies: Not only do they get out of paying taxes on their hourly wages, but they get tips, too, which are virtually tax-free anyway due to rampant underreporting industry-wide. Of course, spending a lifetime working for peanuts and paying nothing into Social Security means no retirement income for these folks, but who cares? They hope they die before they get old!

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